The Chargé in Costa Rica (Trueblood) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 18.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the Legation’s notes to the Foreign Office Nos. 85 and 94, of August 14 and September 14, 1933, together with copies and translations of the Foreign Office’s replies thereto, Notes Nos. 420–B and 461–B of September 8 and October 6, 1933,2 which appear to establish on the part of the Costa Rican Government complete agreement with the interpretation of the Convention on Commercial Aviation which the Government of the United States desires to reach and which was outlined in the Department’s Instruction No. 291 of August 1, 1933.3
In Note No. 420–B, the Foreign Minister stated that there was no objection on the part of the Costa Rican Government to granting permission, without recourse to the usual diplomatic procedure, for the entry into Costa Rica of private aircraft of United States registry, subject to the laws and regulations which apply to the matter, and in compliance with the stipulations of the Convention on Commercial Aviation adopted by the delegates to the Sixth International Conference of American States, held at Habana, from January 16 to February 20, 1928.
The Legation thereupon addressed Note No. 94 to the Foreign Office to establish with exactitude the regulations to which American private aircraft would be subject on entering Costa Rica and also to suggest that Costa Rican authorities might be appropriately advised of the procedure agreed upon. Foreign Office Note No. 461–B then confirmed the regulations for Costa Rica as they appear on page 563 of the Air Commerce Bulletin, Volume 3, Number 22, of May 16, 1932, and stated that the respective Costa Rican authorities had been instructed [Page 608] to observe scrupulously such regulations when the need therefor should arise in connection with the entry into this country of American private aircraft in the same way as the authorities of the United States are to be instructed in cases involving Costa Rican private aircraft.
It consequently appears that the Costa Rican Government acquiesces in toto with the interpretation of the Habana Convention outlined in the Department’s Instruction No. 291 of August 1, 1933; that Costa Rican regulations governing entry and departure of foreign civil aircraft are as given in the Air Commerce Bulletin, cited above; and that the appropriate Costa Rican authorities have been duly advised of the procedure agreed upon.
At such time as the Legation is authorized to inform the Costa Rican Government that the appropriate American authorities have been given similar instructions with respect to the entry and clearance of private aircraft of Costa Rican registry, it would appear that the matter can be officially closed and the mutual operation of the interpretation outlined in Instruction No. 291 can thereby be definitely established.
Respectfully yours,