721.23/1238: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Dearing) to the Secretary of State

100. Leticia.

Embassy trustworthily informed both Argentina and Chile on the point of presenting separate suggestions for settling Peruvian dispute with Colombia. Further report later.
Foreign Minister has informed Brazilian Minister Peru continues to desire a peaceful solution, desires an armistice and will accept a new mediation.
Brazilian Government has informed Peruvian Government its measures in the Amazon are for the protection of Brazilian sovereignty and has instructed Brazilian Minister he may at his discretion say Brazilian mediation as originally offered remains open to Peru.
Brazilian Minister disinclined to act for present feeling situation has not developed sufficiently to produce any real change in Peruvian ideas but contemplates seizing early opportunity of inquiring of Manzanilla what Peru will accept so that if his reply holds out any apparent favorable opening he can speak in the sense authorized by his Government.
My 92, February 20, 11 a.m.32 Foreign Minister’s circular telegraphed to all Foreign Offices in the world.
Colombian repatriates safely embarked today. Bogotá informed.
  1. Post, p. 551.