721.23/1098: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 10—2:40 p.m.]
20. In amplification of the Brazilian note to Colombia and Peru, contained in telegram No. 19, February 10, 3 p.m. the Foreign Office wishes me to inform you:
1st. Brazil’s occupation of Leticia territory will continue for 60 days which period will begin from one of the dates mentioned in the second paragraph of the memorandum quoted in my telegram 17, February 9, noon, during which 60 days it is presumed the conference will occur in Rio de Janeiro as proposed or that Colombia and Peru by some other process will reach an agreement.
Brazil recognizes Colombia’s sovereignty over Leticia as an indisputable fact.
2nd. Although the subject matters of the Rio de Janeiro conference will necessarily be those with which the Salomon-Lozano treaty deals the third paragraph of the Brazilian note does not demand a revision of that treaty and intentionally does not do so in order not to antagonize Colombia. Brazil wishes to leave Colombia and Peru entirely at liberty to discuss in Rio de Janeiro such matters arising out of the treaty as they wish without the interference of a third party; and to supply a neutral ground for an amicable discussion.