710.G Personnel/199: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Uruguay (Wright)

22. The Department is surprised to learn that the Secretary General of the League of Nations has received an invitation from the Uruguayan Government to send an “observer” to the Pan American Conference, and that the Secretary General is accepting and is sending [Page 37] Nogueira, Uruguayan member of the Secretariat Information Section. Please bring this to the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and inquire whether it is correct.

You will call attention to Article 23 of the regulations approved by the Governing Board of the Pan American Union on May 4, 1932. You may say that perhaps the Uruguayan Government overlooked this article when the invitation was issued.

You will make it clearly understood that no disparagement or criticism of the League of Nations is intended when it is observed that the Pan American Conference is organized upon a distinct and separate basis.

You may invite the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to a precedent established when the Cuban Foreign Office, in connection with press reports concerning an invitation to the League to have an observer attend the Sixth Conference, stated “said reports are untrue inasmuch as said invitation could be made only by a resolution adopted by said Conference”.

Please avoid publicity in this matter.
