721.23/915: Telegram

The Minister in Ecuador (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

4. Ecuadorean Minister in Lima delivered Saturday a note in which Ecuador expresses the hope that Peru will observe obligations Kellogg Pact will not reject Brazilian mediation or other eventual friendly offices. Note also urges a just and definitive solution of all Amazon territorial problems including those of Ecuador. A generally similar note omitting reference to Kellogg Pact will be delivered today to Colombian Minister at Quito. I am informed that texts of both notes will be telegraphed to Ecuadorean Minister at Washington.66 In apprising me of the foregoing the Minister for Foreign Affairs renewed his plea for any assistance practicable in assuring Ecuadorean participation [Page 438] in negotiations. He informs me that the Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs has again assured the Ecuadorean Minister in Lima that Peru is agreeable to Ecuador’s participation if Ecuador is invited by Brazil.

  1. Not printed.