724.3415/3130: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

184. Supplementing my 182, May 18, 9 p.m., Gilbert is reporting session of the Council on Paraguay-Bolivia.

An urgent and informal letter from Drummond dated today gives me an account of the meeting and then adds:

“It, therefore, would be of extraordinary value and, I believe, help toward settling this wretched business if the Commission could tell him4 that he must not shelter behind it and that it was willing this time to cooperate with the League as the League previously cooperated with it. I may add that the representatives of the great powers have promised to take diplomatic action at La Paz recommending strongly the acceptance of the report by Bolivia, and if it were at all possible that your Government could take somewhat similar action the chances of success would clearly be enormously enhanced. [Page 331] Your Government’s action was most helpful and invaluable in the Peru-Colombia business.5 I enclose a copy of the telegram which we are sending to the Commission of Neutrals and to the Argentine and Chile.”

Herewith follows text of telegram referred to in last sentence of Drummond’s letter:

“Reference my telegram May 11, Council today discussed Bolivia-Paraguay dispute and made proposals for settlement. Paraguay accepted proposals. Bolivian representative is consulting his Government. Full report proceedings follows immediately. Drummond.”

  1. Identity of person referred to not ascertained.
  2. See pp. 384 ff.