The Commission of Neutrals to the Argentine, Brazilian, and Peruvian Ambassadors and the Chilean Chargé
Gentlemen: The Commission of Neutrals accept receipt, with pleasure, of the note of Your Excellencies, dated the 20th instant, requesting the cooperation of the Commission for the purpose of undertaking immediate negotiations with Bolivia and Paraguay to the end of obtaining the cessation, so much desired, of hostilities for sixty days. The Commission of Neutrals, unanimously, has decided that it be stated to Your Excellencies that it supports, cordially and decidedly, your interesting proposal and that Your Governments can so state to the Governments of Bolivia and Paraguay, in arranging the agreement of absolute cessation of hostilities, the details of which, as Your Excellencies state, will be decided in a rapid exchange of ideas between the parties and the limitrophe countries.
We greet [etc.]
President of the Commission of Neutrals
Ambassador of Cuba
Minister of Uruguay
Ambassador of Mexico
Minister of Colombia