The Argentine, Brazilian, and Peruvian Ambassadors and the Chilean Chargé to the Chairman of the Commission of Neutrals (White)
Excellency: We have had the pleasure, in a note of today’s date, to advise the Commission of Neutrals that Bolivia and Paraguay have agreed to accept, in principle, the formula of arrangement sponsored by our Governments, the text of which formula is laid down in the Act of Mendoza.
In view of so favorable a reception, our Governments believe that the subsequent negotiations for peace might be better directed if the consent of Bolivia and Paraguay should be obtained for an immediate, absolute cessation of hostilities for sixty days, through an agreement the details of which would be decided upon in a rapid exchange of ideas between the Parties and the limitrophe countries.
In accordance with the proposal of maintaining its attitude in solidarity with the Commission of Neutrals, our Governments trust that on being informed of the present status of the efforts for conciliation, the Commission likewise may consider that the moment has come to undertake, with the four limitrophe countries, immediate negotiations with Bolivia and Paraguay for the purpose of obtaining the cessation, so greatly desired, of hostilities, and we have been requested to ask, to this end, the cooperation of the Commission of Neutrals.
We express [etc.]
Ambassador of Peru
Ambassador of Argentina
Ambassador of Brazil
Chargé d’Affaires a. i. of Chile