724.3415/2904: Telegram

The Minister in Paraguay (Wheeler) to the Secretary of State

26. Extraordinary session of Congress opened last night. The President’s message, after reciting events since Bolivian attack on [Page 273] Fortín Antonio López on June 15th last, asked the constitutional authorization to declare war and to establish estado de sitio till its close. Congress will probably take action thereon on February 27th.

This morning Argentine, Brazilian, Chilean and Peruvian representatives jointly handed the Minister for Foreign Affairs text of the proposal for peace. It is to be considered tentative and will not be presented formally until and unless Paraguay’s answer is favorable in which case it will then be laid before the neutrals.

The promised new Bolivian offensive began yesterday with the bombing of Nanawa from the air, one enemy airplane being brought down by Paraguayan fire. The public here is deeply angered that Bolivia should have timed this action for the date on which she was aware the peace proposal would be submitted to both countries.
