724.3415/2802: Telegram
The Minister in Uruguay (Wright) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 19—12:30 a.m.]
4. The Minister for Foreign Affairs47 upon his own initiative today informed me that Soler48 who passed through Montevideo yesterday and also the Paraguayan Minister to Argentina have by cable sought his support of a proposal that the Commission of Neutrals dealing with Chaco question be dissolved or at least its activities transferred to Montevideo, because of Paraguayan dissatisfaction at the result of the negotiations and because Uruguay as a Government represented on the Commission and also as a regional although not conterminous power enjoys an exceptionally advantageous position for cooperation with other powers of this zone.
Blanco believes dissolution of Commission would be serious blow to the diplomacy of the Americas, that it would be most unwise to discard the services of Varela49 who has the confidence of Paraguayan delegate, and considers that the moment has come for active and genuine cooperation between the Neutral Commission and the conterminous countries, if not of all the American states. He is of the opinion that Argentina’s attitude is pro-Paraguayan, that Paraguay probably believes it would have a better chance with Argentina’s active participation, and that the probable reason behind all this is that Argentina would greatly like Ricardo play a lone or petty hand. He very discreetly intimated that his informant caller had stated that Paraguay’s dissatisfaction and withdrawal of her delegate is based on her umbrage that a proposal which had been broached to her in advance and deemed unacceptable had thereafter been proposed to both countries as a basis for suspension of hostilities.
[Page 260]He asks that you be confidentially informed of the above and assured that he will aid in every way possible toward such cooperation in negotiations which should continue at Washington.
Repeated to Embassy at Buenos Aires.