Treaty Series No. 887

Additional Protocol to the General Convention of Inter-American Conciliation, Signed at Montevideo, December 26, 193361

The High Contracting Parties of the General Convention of Inter-American Conciliation of the 5th of January, 1929, convinced of the undeniable advantage of giving a permanent character to the Commissions of Investigation and Conciliation to which Article 2 of said Convention refers, agree to add to the aforementioned Convention the following and additional Protocol.

Article 1

Each country signatory to the Treaty signed in Santiago, Chile, the 3rd of May, 1923, shall name, as soon as possible, by means of a bilateral agreement which shall be recorded in a simple exchange of notes with each one of the other signatories of the aforementioned Treaty, those members of the various commissions provided for in Article 4 of said Treaty. The commissions so named shall have a permanent character and shall be called Commissions of Investigation and Conciliation.

Article 2

Any of the contracting parties may replace the members which have been designated, whether they be nationals or foreigners; but, at the same time, the substitute shall be named. In case the substitution is not made, the replacement shall not be effective.

Article 3

The commissions organized in fulfillment of Article 3 of the aforementioned Treaty of Santiago, Chile, shall be called Permanent Diplomatic Commissions of Investigation and Conciliation.

Article 4

To secure the immediate organization of the commissions mentioned in the first Article hereof, the High Contracting Parties engage themselves to notify the Pan American Union at the time of the deposit of the ratification of the present Additional Protocol in the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Chile, the names of the two members whose designation they are empowered to make by Article 4 of the Convention of Santiago, Chile, and said members, so named, shall constitute the members of the Commissions which [Page 227] are to be organized with bilateral character in accordance with this Protocol.

Article 5

It shall be left to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union to initiate measures for bringing about the nomination of the fifth member of each Commission of Investigation and Conciliation in accordance with the stipulation established in Article 4 of the Convention of Santiago, Chile.

Article 6

In view of the character which this Protocol has as an addition to the Convention of Conciliation of Washington, of January 5, 1929, the provision of Article 16 of said Convention shall be applied thereto.

In witness whereof, the Plenipotentiaries hereinafter indicated, have set their hands and their seals to this Additional Protocol in English, and Spanish, in the city of Montevideo, Republic of Uruguay, this twenty-sixth day of the month of December in the year nineteen hundred and thirty-three.

United States of America: Alexander W. Weddell.—J. Butler Wright.

Uruguay: A. Mañé.—José Pedro Varela.—Mateo Marques Castro.—Dardo Regules.—Sofía Alvarez Vignoli de Demicheli.—Teófilo Piñeyro Chaín.—Luis A. de Herrera.—Martín R. Echegoyen.—José G. Antuña.—J. C. Blanco.—Pedro Mañini Ríos.—Rodolfo Mezzera.—Octavio Morató.—Luis Morquio.—José Serrato.

Ecuador: A. Aguirre Aparicio.—Arturo Scarone.

Chile: J. Ramón Gutiérrez.—F. Figueroa.—B. Cohen.

  1. In English and Spanish; Spanish text not printed. Ratification advised by the Senate, June 15 (legislative day of June 6), 1934; ratified by the President, June 29, 1934; ratification of the United States deposited with the Government of Chile, August 18, 1934; proclaimed by the President, May 8, 1935.