810.7962/2: Telegram
The Chairman of the American Delegation (Hull) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 1:55 p.m.]
70. For the President. Your 78, December 14, 8 p.m. I proceeded with much enthusiasm to confer about your suggested plan of $5,000,000 for cooperation in developing and improving airways. However, American technical aviation experts here consider that proposal does not meet principal requirements for faster air communication. Latin American sentiment likewise appears to be unfavorable to gifts or initial contributions in money by our country to undertakings in this continent. One reaction is that of inquiring at once what the United States is after now. This warped state of mind which seems to be widespread just now does not look with favor even upon benefactions or accommodation loans or advances to these peoples especially by our Government.
We recommend therefore that we base our proposal on your suggestion but modify it somewhat so as to offer the prospect, advantage and desirability of much faster service in the immediate future. This program will achieve the early reduction of transportation time between New York and Buenos Aires from 8 to 5 days provided that local governments cooperate in speeding up formalities at airports which are now heavily burdened with red tape and go far to offset scientific advance and constant improvement in equipment. The proposal will include the statement that within 6 months planes from 50 [Page 199] to 70 percent faster than the present ones will be put into use which our aviation experts tell us are already contracted for. It will urge the formation of a committee of engineers representing the various countries to meet almost immediately in Washington to discuss thoroughly the plan of beacons, radio and additional airports you suggest and will make plain the readiness of the United States to support this plan. We deem it advisable however that this proposal should not at this moment contain a definite financial commitment. We are carrying out the spirit of your plan and believe it will achieve as nearly as possible the result that you desire.
As it is our intention to advance this proposal possibly tomorrow please inform me whether you concur in the observations which I have been constrained to make and approve our proposed course of action.