
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 2252

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Legation’s despatch No. 2225, August 2, 1933,75 regarding the interprovincial motor vehicle traffic and extraterritorial rights of American citizens, and to enclose for the Department’s information a copy of the English translation of a note of August 11, 1933, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with a copy of the Legation’s reply thereto.76

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses the request, contained in the Legation’s note of July 29, 1933, that instructions be issued to the provincial and municipal authorities concerned directing that existing treaty provisions be taken into consideration when enforcing these new traffic regulations against American citizens.

Pending the receipt of possible instructions from the Department upon the general subject of the applicability of such traffic regulations to American citizens, the Legation has replied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserving the right to protest as the occasion may arise against any infringement of American treaty rights incident to the enforcement of the traffic regulations.

Respectfully yours,

Nelson Trusler Johnson
  1. Despatch not printed; for enclosure (Minister’s note No. 629, July 29, to the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs), see supra.
  2. Neither printed.