
Memorandum Listing Certain Problems of Current Concern in Relations Between China and the United States46

1. American claims. Claims commission.47

2. Continued occupation by Chinese military forces of American mission property (especially in the Hankow consular district).

3. An increasing tendency on the part of the Commissioners of Customs in China to punish offenders against customs regulations in a legalistic but inequitable manner.

In one recent case (at Lungkow) an entire shipment of kerosene oil belonging to the Socony Vacuum Corporation was seized and sold because the transporting junk, due to adverse weather conditions, had not complied with a customs regulation.

4. Desirability that there be no discrimination in purchase of airplanes.

5. Ekvall murder case (Shensi Province).

Simpson murder case (Kansu Province).48

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In the Ekvall murder case, some but not all of the culprits have been apprehended and punished.

In the Simpson murder case, no one has yet, so far as we are informed, been punished.

  1. Handed to Mr. T. V. Soong May 19, by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs.
  2. For correspondence on American claims outstanding against China, see pp. 628 ff.
  3. William E. Simpson, an American missionary, murdered on June 20, 1932.