893.00/12559: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 8—7:08 a.m.]
902. The Consul at Foochow reports, December 7, noon, that all Americans at Yenping reached Foochow that morning. The following information was obtained from these Americans (source to be treated confidential) that planes of the Nanking Government [Page 478] bombed Shahsien which is held by troops of the Nineteenth Route Army causing casualties; that Kiangsi Communists have joined forces with the Nineteenth Route Army in river districts around and above Yenping, the Communists being scattered through the various units of the Nineteenth Route Army so that the latter may retain control; that the gates of Yenping, Shunchang and Chiangli have been freely opened to the Reds, that the Nineteenth Route Army has disarmed the 56th Nationalist Division at Chiangli and that the former is building an aviation field at Yenping.
The Consul also reports that according to these Americans although the military authorities have issued orders that foreigners be respected there is apparently an anti-foreign feeling which may become active in case the Nineteenth Route Army and its Communist allies should be defeated.