861.77 Chinese Eastern/1245: Telegram

The Chargé in Latvia (Cole) to the Secretary of State

37. Izvestia 22nd publishes text of a short note delivered both in Moscow and Tokyo in which Assistant Commissar Sokolnikov declares the Soviet Government has received trustworthy information that the Manchurian authorities propose to effect arbitrary changes in the management of the Chinese Eastern Railway; that the Soviet Government has authorized him to issue a warning in its name that-such action will violate the existing treaty status of the railway and will contravene obligations assumed by the Tokyo and Mukden Governments; and that for this, not powerless Manchukuo but Japan, the real master, must bear direct responsibility.

In view of the previous extremely moderate tone of the Soviet Government the foregoing is surprisingly aggressive.

Semi-official Izvestia 24th in a leading editorial entitled “Unmasking the Grabbers and a Warning to their Instigators” uses phrases in relation to Japan such as insolent plan, hypocritical tactics, breaking treaties, ignoring obligations, conspiracy to seize, et cetera. Party organ Pravda on the same day writes in the same tone concluding that Tokyo should not forget that the Soviet Union is strong enough to defend its interests and rights.
