793.94/6365: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

507. Legation’s 497, June 2, 5 p.m. and 499, June 3, 11 a.m. Yamakami, local correspondent for Rengo News Agency informed Timperley, local A. P. correspondent, that he had interviewed Okamura, General Muto’s Vice Chief of Staff, at Tientsin a few days ago and was told by him that at the time of signing of truce agreement the following oral agreements were made by Chinese and Japanese representatives: Chinese to withdraw from North China troops recently sent by Chiang Kai-shek to check activities of Kuomintang in North China; to resume rail traffic with Shanhaikwan; and to enter into unofficial negotiations for resumption of trade through the various passes into Jehol. (Note: It is believed that this refers particularly to Jehol opium exports). In return Japanese to refrain from encouraging any independent or separatist movement in North China and to accept Huang Fu (who is persona grata to the Japanese) and his administration here. Timperley states that he is inclined to give full credence to Yamakami’s report since in all past dealings with him he has proven very frank and dependable.
