793.94/5728: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 9—10:15 a.m.]
36. My 31, January 7, 7 p.m.; and my 34, January 9, noon; and Tientsin’s January 9, 2 [3] p.m.35
[Page 26]My information is that although Japanese are anxious to localize affair, local Chinese authorities are unable to negotiate in view of attitude in South where there is a determination to resist further attack. Military Attaché this afternoon confirms movement of large number of troops from Honan in the direction of Tientsin-Shan-haikwan area. My information is that General Shang Chen36 will be put in command in the field.
Crux of matter lies in Province of Jehol. Japanese are committed to elimination of Chinese authorities in Jehol. Chinese appear determined to make resistance there. Further conflict therefore seems certain.
Unofficial local Chinese are beginning to consider question of responsibility of powers party of [to?] Boxer protocol of 1901 should one of those powers use military force authorized by the protocol for defense of Legation and for maintenance of communication between Peiping and the sea for the purpose of making an attack on Chinese forces. They point out that present situation is one involving China and Japan and not involving internal Chinese disturbances.
With French Minister, British Chargé d’Affaires, and Secretary in charge Italian Legation, I discussed this question this afternoon. We agreed that until question came to us officially we could take no official action. We agreed, however, that we should inform our respective Governments that question was being discussed in unofficial circles and that there is likelihood that it may be brought to our official attention sooner or later, and that we should be prepared.
I suggest Department consider what attitude the American Government will take. The American Government maintains a guard for its Legation; it maintains an expeditionary unit at Tientsin to cooperate with the other powers in maintaining communications between Peiping and the sea. Chinese may charge that Japan party to Boxer protocol is abusing its rights by using railroad and armed forces maintained under the protocol for the purpose of threatening Chinese rear.
Repeated to Tokyo.