
The Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

No. 949

Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegram No. 95 of September 19, 1932, and to previous correspondence concerning the plan approved by the Department and President Moncada for the appointment of Nicaraguan officers to the higher commands in the Guardia Nacional, in connection with the turning over of that institution to Nicaraguan control on January 2 next, I have the honor to transmit herewith copy and translation of a letter addressed by the Jefe Director of the Guardia Nacional to General Emiliano Chamorro, the Conservative candidate for the Vice Presidency, in the absence from Nicaragua of don Adolfo Diaz, the Presidential candidate, outlining the plan referred to. A similar letter was transmitted to Dr. Juan Bautista Sacasa, the Liberal Presidential candidate, at the same time.

It will be noted that in accordance with their request General Matthews has presented to each of the candidates identical lists containing both Conservatives and Liberals, in the way of a suggestion, while making it clear that each of the candidates is free to submit his own list. General Matthews likewise refers in his letter to the agreement which it is proposed that the candidates will sign before me guaranteeing to preserve the non-partisan character of the Guardia Nacional during the next Presidential period.

Respectfully yours,

Matthew E. Hanna

The Jefe Director of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua (Matthews) to the Nicaraguan Conservative Candidate for the Vice Presidency (Chamorro)

Distinguished General: I have received due instructions to proceed to execute the plan hereinafter set forth for the selection of Nicaraguan officers who will replace the American officers serving in the [Page 875] Guardia Nacional, which plan has received the approval of the Governments of Nicaragua and the United States:

Each one of the Presidential candidates of the two Historic Parties of Nicaragua will be asked to present immediately a list containing the names of persons acceptable to said candidate from among whom the Nicaraguan officers who are going to replace the American officers at present serving in the Guardia may be chosen. The list which each candidate will present in this manner should contain the names of members of both political Parties in equal parts (half and half).
The two Presidential candidates will be requested to sign an agreement, in the presence of the American Minister, in which they agree respectively to strictly preserve the non-political character of the Guardia during the period in which one or the other of the candidates shall be President of Nicaragua. (Note: I have been informed that this aspect of the plan has been communicated by the American Minister to the respective candidates).
Immediately after the Presidential election has been decided, President Moncada will be requested to make the appointments in order that the persons appearing in the list of the winning candidate may occupy the highest posts of command in the Guardia.
The Nicaraguan Officers who are named in this manner will work together with the American officers until January 2, the date on which their appointments will be made permanent by the new President of the Republic who is inaugurating his period.

In accordance with our conversation of recent date and in compliance with your request, I have the pleasure of submitting to your consideration the attached list59 of names of Nicaraguan citizens who have been recommended to me as appropriate as officers in the higher command of the Guardia Nacional. I beg you to give me as soon as possible a list of fifty names of Nicaraguan citizens composed in equal parts of members of both political Parties whom you would like to be appointed in the Guardia Nacional if the Conservative Party is successful in the approaching elections. Said names may be taken from the list which I present to you or you may give us any other list of appropriate citizens whom you consider convenient to select.

I am [etc.]

C. B. Matthews
  1. Not attached to file copy.