817.00 Woodward Electoral Mission/143b: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna)

81. Your 139, July 23, 4 p.m. Please deliver the following note over your own signature to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. After acknowledging the receipt of his letter of July 23 state:

“My Government has noted Your Excellency’s desire that it mediate in the difficulties which were confronting the Liberal party at the date of your communication under reference. Although my Government is deeply appreciative of this fresh evidence of confidence, the nature and circumstances of Admiral Woodward’s positions as Chairman of the National Board of Elections and of the American Electoral Mission would clearly preclude the acceptance of any such request. Regarding the former, the powers delegated to him by the Nicaraguan electoral law are broad and comprehensive and are set forth in the law itself, being designed for the purpose of insuring a free and fair election. Regarding the latter, the President of the United States designated Admiral Woodward as his Personal Representative in Nicaragua to head the American Electoral Mission, and entrusted him with full responsibility to conduct the elections in a manner that would fulfill the trust placed in the United States Government by the Nicaraguan Government and people. The obligation and responsibility of fulfilling this mission now rest with Admiral Woodward and my Government has the most complete confidence in his judgment and ability to carry out his mission with entire success.

My Government understands that, following conversations between Admiral Woodward and the leaders of the Liberal party, the latter met separately and happily succeeded in adjusting the difficulties besetting the party. My Government desires me to express its hope that this practice will be continued of discussing fully, frankly and sympathetically with Admiral Woodward such matters as the Government of Nicaragua and the political parties may deem vital to the success of the elections. Your Excellency may rest assured that Admiral Woodward will give them his most earnest and unprejudiced consideration.”

Please furnish Admiral Woodward with copy of foregoing.
