817.011/55: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State

25. My 21, February 9, 5 p.m. The Conservative Party has sent me a copy of the instructions it gave Dr. Horacio Argüello Bolaños. In them the party expresses its approval of the principle of minority representation but considers it should be agreed to by the parties dealing with each side through committee legally appointed. It also favors an improvement in the legal status of the Guardia Nacional. It does not refer to the President’s project to extend the presidential term to 6 years but believes that infrequency of political contests is in the public interest. It maintains its opposition to reelection. It authorizes Dr. Arguello to receive direct from President Moncada instructions within the scope of the conference which he had with the Conservatives on January 17 (My despatch 635, January 20)10 and carry them out as party policies. It instructs him to consult the opinion of the Department before reaching any agreement. He is ordered to cable his party concerning points not covered in his instructions.

I reminded Dr. Cuadra Pasos today that President Moncada had in mind the convocation of a Constituent Assembly to complete the total reform of the Constitution this year and that Conservative leaders including Dr. Cuadra Pasos himself, Adolfo Diaz and Emiliano Chamorro had maintained 2 years ago that this could not be done legally. Dr. Cuadra Pasos said that he still was of this opinion, that the President had not mentioned a Constituent Assembly to the party, that the Conservative party desires a reform of the Constitution but a partial reform to be initiated by Congress this year and completed 2 years from now in accordance with the Nicaraguan Constitution.

  1. Not printed.