812.001C13/153: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Nuevo Laredo (Wormuth)
The Department is gratified to receive the information contained in your telegram July 14, 2 p.m., relative General Calles’ return to Mexico.
For your strictly confidential information and for use only in the event of an unforeseen emergency the Department desires you to inform District Attorney Valls that you have been instructed by the Department to state to him that General Calles is the bearer of a Mexican diplomatic passport carrying a diplomatic visa issued by the Ambassador of the United States to Mexico; that this passport and visa are authentic and recognized by the Government of the United States, and further that General Calles is entitled to all courtesies and privileges attaching to his diplomatic quality and to his status as a distinguished member of the cabinet of a government friendly to the United States, on a temporary visit to this country.