816.00 Revolutions/91: Telegram

The Chargé in El Salvador (McCafferty) to the Secretary of State

25. Your telegram No. 17, January 29, 6 p.m. I have consulted with Admiral Smith regarding the situation and while we agree [Page 621] with the Department’s view that the American warships should be withdrawn at the earliest possible moment we feel that the danger is not yet past while the armed forces remain unpaid and that it would be advisable to have one of the destroyers stand by for the time being at La Libertad and that the other be retained at Corinto to be near in case of emergency. The presence of one war vessel here would not only have the effect of allaying the present feeling of panic among the people but would also undoubtedly prevent the de facto government from relaxing their repressive measures.

Admiral Smith informs me that he will sail on the Rochester for Corinto tomorrow night. I also understand that the two Canadian war vessels will leave Acajutla today.
