
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in Latin America

Sirs: Reference is made to the Department’s confidential circular instruction of January 28, 1932 (File 710.G1A/66),3 and previous instructions concerning the Seventh International Conference of American States. You are now informed that the Governing Board [Page 6] of the Pan American Union, at the meeting held on May 4, 1932, adopted the following resolution postponing the Conference until December, 1933:

“In view of the resolutions adopted by the Governing Board at the session of April 6th, and the approval by the Government of Uruguay4 of the suggestion contained therein,

The Governing Board of the Pan American Union Resolves:

To fix the month of December, 1933, for the meeting in Montevideo of the Seventh International Conference of American States, and to request the Government of Uruguay to designate, at the proper time, the opening date.”

The Governing Board adopted the following statement relative to the considerations which determined the postponement of the Conference:

“The program of the Seventh International Conference of American States contains many questions, especially under the heading of juridical and economic problems, which will require prolonged preparatory study prior to the assembling of the Conference. The Pan American Union has requested the preparation of technical studies and draft projects by the American Institute of International Law, the Permanent Committee on Public International Law at Rio de Janeiro, the Permanent Committee on Private International Law of Montevideo, and the Permanent Committee on Uniformity of Legislation and Comparative Legislation at Havana.

“It has become apparent to the Governing Board that even with the exercise of the greatest industry it will not be possible to complete these preparatory studies and projects in time to submit to the Governments sufficiently far in advance of the meeting of the Conference.

“Under the headings of Economic Problems, and Transportation, there are also a number of questions which call for submission of well-considered projects long in advance of the coming together of the delegations at Montevideo.

“Since the final formulation and adoption of the program by the Governing Board, considerable work has been done on these questions, but the projects in which will be embodied the results of these studies, have not yet been formulated.

“The Governing Board has given much weight to these considerations, and after consultation with the Government of Uruguay, it has been determined that the postponement of the Conference until December 1933 is essential in order to complete the studies and permit the formulation of projects to be considered at the Conference.”

With reference to the circular instruction dated October 10, 1930 (File 710.G/4A),5 the Department desires you to submit a supplementary survey by January 1, 1933, concerning the relations of the [Page 7] United States with the other American republics and of their relations with one another. In case you have not yet submitted the comprehensive survey as requested in the circular instruction of October 10, 1930, you are instructed to do so by January 1, 1933. The foregoing surveys should be supplemented by subsequent reports from time to time if there appears to be occasion for such reports.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis White
  1. Not printed.
  2. For text of the communication from Uruguay, see Bulletin of the Pan American Union, vol. LXVI, No. 6 (June 1932), p. 388.
  3. Not printed.