816.01/175: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Eberhardt)
23. Your 41, May 11, 3 p.m. The Department’s position regarding non-recognition of the Martínez regime was stated in its 42, December 20, 1 p.m.21 Refer also to Department’s 45, December 22, 2 p.m.,22 5, January 29, 1 p.m., and 14, March 17, 5 p.m. Department very much regrets you did not at once make its position clearly known to Minister of Foreign Affairs.
It is very difficult for this Government to believe that the new Costa Rican Government is seriously considering reversing the decision adopted by its predecessor in full accord with the other Central American states and in fulfillment of its treaty obligations. There cannot be the slightest doubt that under the provisions of the 1923 Treaty Martínez is debarred from recognition, and the other Central American states, including Costa Rica, after thorough consideration announced publicly their unanimous decision to that effect. You may express the foregoing orally to the Foreign Minister. You should also say that there is no animus on the part of this Government against Martínez personally but that our decision not to recognize him was taken in view of the clear stipulations of the Treaty and our policy to support that Treaty, which was adopted by the Central American states themselves as an effective measure to promote stability and discourage revolution in Central America. It would seem a pity for any of the Central American states to repudiate the policy of the Treaty merely for reasons of momentary expediency.
[Page 599]You may also say in confidence to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that Secretary Stimson has advised the Department that Justice Guerrero of Salvador sought two interviews with him recently in Europe in order to discuss the Salvador situation. The Secretary explained our position and made it clear that we proposed to stand by the policy of the Treaty and that it was hopeless for Martínez to expect our recognition. At the second interview, held early this month, Guerrero stated that he had communicated the Secretary’s views to Martínez and that the latter had decided to turn over the presidency to the first designate, Colonel Garay, on June 1, Martínez himself becoming Minister of War; Martínez regarded the interval until June 1 as necessary to enable him to stabilize the situation and prevent danger of any further outbreak of Communism. For your information, the Department’s views regarding the eligibility of Garay are stated in its 14, March 17, 5 p.m.
Repeat your 41 and this telegram to the other Legations in Central America.