816.01/63: Telegram
The Minister in Costa Rica (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9 p.m.]
7. Luis Anderson informs me that he expects to arrive at New York aboard steamship Toloa February 7th as confidential agent with broad powers of General Max Martínez to obtain recognition by the United States of present regime in Salvador. He stated that Congress of Salvador will assemble on February 1st and inaugurate former Vice President Martínez as President on the pretext that the previous incumbent deserted the country. In his arguments Anderson would present to the Department copies of testimonials by foreign diplomats at San Salvador stating their conviction that Martínez was not connected with coup d’état of December 3d. Anderson is concerned at possibility of higher Department officials refusing to receive him. I have refrained so far from discussing Anderson visit with Costa Rican officials. Above text telegraphed to American Legation San Salvador.