825.00 Revolutions/229: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

221. Referring to my telegram No. 220, October 19, 11 a.m., I have just talked with the Minister for Foreign Affairs. With confidence and without qualification he asserted that the government would hold the elections on the 30th and, continuing the public administration strictly within the laws and Constitution, deliver the power to the newly elected Executive.59 He described as tales unworthy of consideration the rumors that the Extreme Left could interfere with the settled program of the Government. He stated that the Army is now in its place with new commanders who support the Government and who have disciplinary control of the troops. He stated that without question the carabineros could be depended upon to maintain order and that the Navy and the garrison of the north are supporting the government’s program. He stated that it was not the intention to modify the Cabinet before the elections.

Referring to my telegram No. 218, October 16, 9 p.m., it would be too much to say that permanent political stability has returned to Chile. However, after the more than 4 months of turmoil and uncertainty I believe that the time has arrived when we can with dignity and with profit renew our official relations with the Moneda. It is not necessary in my opinion to delay action until the first of next week.

  1. Arturo Alessandri Palma, President-elect, assumed office on December 24, 1932. (825.001A12/37).