832.00 Revolutions/329: Telegram

The Consul General at São Paulo (Cameron) to the Secretary of State

Several aeroplanes have been recently acquired by São Paulo and yesterday first-class Newport deserted from Rio de Janeiro joining forces here. During the past week Paulista lines have been repeatedly attacked without appreciable results. Living conditions here normal, no food or other prices having advanced although bread contains 15 percent cornmeal and gasoline is rationed.

Commercial Association of São Paulo calculates popular war subscriptions to date at over 30,000 contos including special subscriptions for manufacture of 75,000 steel helmets; in addition during the past 8 days 12,000 persons in this city have given jewels and objects of gold and silver including wedding rings, family plate, heirlooms, athletic trophies for a special fund, purpose not announced.

Repeated to the Embassy.
