
The Secretary of the Special Boundary Tribunal, Guatemala–Honduras (Cohen), to the Secretary of State

Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to enclose herewith a certified copy of the Report30 submitted by the Senior Ground Control Engineer of the Tribunal, Mr. Sidney H. Birdseye, on the work of the personnel detached by the United States Army Air Corps to serve in the aerial photographic survey of certain portions of the territory in dispute between the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras, ordered in the Ruling of June 29, 1932.

The Tribunal, after an examination of the photographic material obtained, endorses the commendation of its representative in the field, and has directed me to request that you be good enough to convey to the Secretary of War its appreciation of the important services rendered by the United States Army Air Corps in connection with the survey, both at the Washington and France Field headquarters, as well as in the disputed area.

The most efficient manner in which 1st. Lieut. H. K. Baisley, and 1st. Sergeant Barron C. Powers, carried out their mission, in the face of unusually difficult climatic conditions, deserves the highest commendation. The Tribunal would like to request of the War Department that its appreciation be conveyed to them and that this fact be entered in their service records.

I avail myself [etc.]

B. Cohen
  1. Not printed.