
The Chargé in Guatemala (Donald) to the Secretary of State

No. 716

Sir: I have the honor to report that the American Vice Consul in Puerto Barrios27 has advised the Legation that the Guatemalan engineers for the aerial survey of the disputed territory, Lisandro Sandoval, Miguel Angel Balcárcel, with the Chief of Protocol, Delfino Sanchez-Latour, arrived at Puerto Barrios on July 23rd. The Honduran engineers, Medardo Zuñiga-Vega and Felix Canales-Salazar, arrived by airplane from Tegucigalpa on July 24th. The American [Page 378] engineers, Sidney H. Birdseye and Vincent Hanrahan, arrived on July 25th. On July 26th, all of the engineers went to Bananera on an inspection trip. The Vice Consul reports that he is advised that they will work between Puerto Barrios and Gualan from the railway line towards the border.

Respectfully yours,

G. K. Donald
  1. Patrick J. Powers.