
The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State

No. 1733

Sir: Supplementing my despatch No. 173010 transmitting newspaper statement attributed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and a copy of the note I sent to Dr. Saavedra Lamas in reference to it, I have the honor to enclose a copy with translation) of his reply,10 to which reference was made in my telegram No. 65 of July 23, 12 noon.10

There is also enclosed a copy of a letter I addressed to the Minister to acknowledge his said answer and in which I expressed the instructions contained in the Department’s confidential cablegram No. 46 of July 22, 4 p.m. With this exchange of communications I consider as closed the matter of the offer of the good offices of the United States, at least for the time being.

I am not informed as to what progress has been made in the direct negotiations between the two countries, looking to a renewal of diplomatic relations. I think that Argentina is seizing this occasion to endeavor to find a means to induce Uruguay to take measures, which it apparently has failed to do in the past, to keep strict control over Argentine political refugees and to curtail the activity of the Communist distributing center in Uruguay. An intimation to this effect might be deduced from a newspaper report given out by an Argentine official that from Montevideo an active distribution of Communist propaganda to Argentina and other South American countries was carried on. In yesterday’s El Diario of Montevideo it was stated that this report was being given attention by the Uruguayan authorities and that President Terra was interested in the accusation and would undoubtedly order an immediate investigation.

Respectfully yours,

Robert Woods Bliss

The American Ambassador (Bliss) to the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs (Saavedra Lamas)

Dear Mr. Minister: In acknowledging the receipt of your courteous letter of July 22,10 may I take the occasion to recall that the offer of good offices in the controversy between Argentina and Uruguay, [Page 329] which I had the honor to make to Your Excellency on behalf of my Government, was, of course, predicated upon this action being welcome to both the parties concerned. The action I have taken in the matter was likewise based on the belief that such assistance as I could give on behalf of my Government would be welcomed and desired by the Argentine Government. My Government desires me, therefore, to advise Your Excellency’s Government that it would have been happy to be of assistance in settling the misunderstanding between the two Governments, but as it now appears that its good offices are not, at the present time at least, welcome to Your Excellency’s Government, it desires that I should take no further action in the matter unless subsequently requested to do so by Your Excellency.

The American Legation in Montevideo has been informed in order that the Government of Uruguay may know that the assistance of the United States not being desired by one of the parties, the Government of the United States has desisted for the time being from taking any further steps in the matter.

Your Excellency, who is so thoroughly familiar with the diplomatic history of my country, will realize that my Government is always desirous of being of help at any time to the nations of this hemisphere, but naturally it will only act at any given time if such action is agreeable to all the parties at interest.

I do not wish to close this letter without referring to the mention kindly made by Your Excellency to the flattering personal allusion in La Razon interview, which I interpret as a confirmation of the frank and cordial official dealings that have spontaneously arisen from our friendly personal relations.

With renewed assurances [etc.]

Robert Woods Bliss
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