724.3415/1870: Telegram
The Commission of Neutrals to the Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arbo)
Washington, July 27,
In view of the rumors which have reached us concerning warlike preparations which are being carried out in the Chaco region, we earnestly beg the Government of Paraguay to be good enough to give its instructions to the appropriate person that no hostile acts be carried out in the Chaco region which might aggravate the present situation and render ineffective the good offices of the Neutrals.
We are addressing the same request to the Government of Bolivia.
Henry L. Stimson
Secretary of State of the United States
Fabio Lozano T.
Minister of Colombia
José Richling
Chargé d’Affaires of Uruguay
José T. Barón
Chargé d’Affaires of Cuba
P. Herrera de Huerta
Chargé d’Affaires of Mexico