724.3415/2651: Telegram
The Secretary General of the League of Nations (Drummond) to the Chairman of the Commission of Neutrals (White)
[Received 2:10 p.m.]
Council instructed me thank you your telegram of 16th [15th] instant and to express its profound satisfaction with its terms. At meeting held today it decided to assist your Commission’s most valuable endeavours and to urge upon parties solution proposed by Commission with view to general settlement of Chaco problem. Council has throughout followed your efforts with appreciation and wholeheartedly supports your present action. It has decided to despatch to two parties today the following telegram:
“Neutrals Commission at Washington has just communicated to Council text of convention which it is submitting to your Government in order to put end to bloodshed in Chaco and to arrive by pacific means at final settlement of dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. Under the Covenant of which your Government is signatory Council is responsible for maintenance of peace and it hereby earnestly appeals to your Government in name of all League members to accept as speedily as possible convention proposed by Neutrals Commission. Council is confident that your Government will bear in mind solemn and binding character of obligation to maintain peaceful relations which it has assumed as League member. It considers that proposal of Neutrals Commission provides honourable and just settlement of question and that by loyal acceptance and observance thereof both parties will acquit themselves of duties incumbent upon them by virtue of Covenant.”
Council would be glad be kept informed of any developments regard to Commission’s important proposals.