724.3415/1828a: Telegram
The Commission of Neutrals to the Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arbo)
The representatives of the five neutral countries, in two prolonged sessions this morning and afternoon, profoundly alarmed over the possible withdrawal of your delegates and the imminent danger to the peace resulting from that act, and animated solely by the desire to continue to secure a prompt, just and final solution of the Chaco question, earnestly request the Government of Paraguay to modify its intention to withdraw from the Conference and kindly to send as soon as possible to the Commission of Neutrals in Washington, complete details regarding the original incident of June 15 and the incidents which have followed. The neutrals are also requesting from Bolivia similar information in order that, when both countries have wished to present their complete information, the neutrals may be in a position to suggest solutions for said incidents. While that investigation is being carried out and in order not to lose more precious time in the negotiation of some satisfactory pact of non-aggression (a step preliminary to the definitive solution or the arbitration) the neutrals request the Government of Paraguay kindly not to interrupt the action of its delegates.
Secretary of State of the United States
Ambassador of Mexico
Minister of Colombia
Chargé d’Affaires of Uruguay
Chargé d’Affaires of Cuba
- Translation supplied by the editors.↩