793.94/5496: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
283. Your 985, August 22, noon. The Department appreciates the significance of your statement that the Japanese Legation guard is subject to military control and not to control of Japanese Legation in Peiping. The Department assumes, however, that that factor in itself does not preclude discussion by the legations of the other powers of the common problem which the status and activities of the Japanese guard thus presents along with other aspects of the problem of the safety of the Legation quarter and possible preventive and safeguarding measures, with a view to submitting to their respective governments common recommendations of joint or concurrent action.
Department notes your statement that Legations will not continue discussions until other chiefs of mission return at the end of this month. Is it your thought that there is any urgent need for discussion among governments of Legation quarter and Peiping area problems in advance of discussion and formulation by Legations of common recommendations? The Department sees no such need and, pending receipt of a definite recommendation from you, to which it would give careful consideration, will expect to take no action.