393.1111 Nelson, Bert N./155: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1271. Legation’s 1219, October 28, 1 [9] p.m. Following from American Consul General, Hankow:

“November 21, 4 p.m. My October 26, 11 a.m., and my despatch No. 213 of October 31, 1932,95 on the subject of Nelson. Chinese messengers sent from Sinyangchow under military passes obtained by this Consulate General have returned and reported that they were unable to reach Chiliping because of the withdrawal of troops from that place to Hwangan. Chinese brought out of Chiliping by Chinese troops, claiming to have been prisoners of the Reds, report that on the 3rd day of October one sick white foreigner was carried across the Pinghan Railway from east to west and that he was followed by another foreigner. They reported that these two foreigners were now to the west of the Pinghan Railway. They identified the sick foreigner as Nelson. Report by mail follows.”

2. Adams’ October 26, 11 a.m. was paraphrased in the Legation’s October 28, 1 [9] p.m., and copies of his despatch of October 31st were sent direct to the Department.

For the Minister:
  1. Latter not printed.