893.01 Manchuria/537: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Chairman of the American Delegation to the General Disarmament Conference (Gibson)
24. For Wilson. Your 23, October 8, 11 a.m. I am gratified to have this information.
For your guidance: The opinion which Beneš expressed to you regarding the first step is in line with my view. Wherever without yourself raising the subject you encounter that view, you may as on your own responsibility and carefully avoiding any implication that you are expressing an opinion under instruction, give your support to it. I do not desire, for the present at least, to initiate suggestions or to have it appear that the American Government is intruding with advice in the deliberations of the members of the League with regard to action to be taken by the League under the provisions of the League’s Covenant. I think that it will be helpful to let them see that the responsibility for formulating a course of action in the light of the Lytton report rests squarely with the League. See again my telegram No. 2, September 23, 1932, noon.