893.01 Manchuria/473: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1103. Following from American Consul General at Harbin:

“September 14, 3 p.m.

A reliable Chinese has informed me stations Sun, Anta, Lamatientze and Siao[hao]tze on the west line are in the hands of so-called bandits and that 600 Japanese soldiers in two armored trains sent from Tsitsihar against them are surrounded by these bandits. Railway has no means of transportation beyond station Sun.
Chinese [Harbin?] consular body has urged the local authorities to take steps to relieve grave situation at Harbin where foreigners are in fear of bodily harm and kidnappings.
It is very possible that after recognition of Manchukuo by Japan tomorrow Japanese Army will take over the guarding of the southern line Chinese Eastern Railway if not of the whole railroad.
Passenger train left Harbin for Changchun this morning with a guard Japanese and Manchukuo troops.”
