693.002 Manchuria/264: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 16—1:30 a.m.]
1099. Referring to the Legation’s despatch No. 1583, June 20, 1932.56 Legation has received formal notes from the Minister [for Foreign Affairs] dated September 3 concerning seizure of the Customs and Salt Administrations in Manchuria. One note states that customs revenues Manchuria having been detained by the new regime the position of customs-secured obligations is being seriously impaired as the entire burden of the service of these obligations is falling upon the customs collections made mother parts of China. The second note states that no funds have been received from Manchuria for the payment of foreign loans secured upon the salt revenues and that seizure of these funds materially prejudices security of the loans based upon them.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs makes no specific request in either of these notes and confines himself to bringing the situation to the attention of the American Government for such action as it may consider appropriate.
I understand that other interested Legations have received identic or similar notes and that British and Italian Legations are merely acknowledging [Page 248] receipt. Pending instructions from the Department the Legation will likewise confine itself to a mere acknowledgement.
These notes are being transmitted to the Department under cover of Legation’s despatch No. 1740, September 15,57 leaving by pouch today.