The Chief of Naval Operations (Pratt) to the Commander in Chiefs United States Asiatic Fleet (Taylor)50
Reference the “International Defense Scheme” which was signed by Colonel Hooker 18 December, copy of this document has just been received in the Navy Department, having been forwarded to the State Department by the Consul General at Shanghai.
With reference to Article 722 of the Navy Regulations, in each case in which the Commander-in-Chief or a subordinate officer of his command enters into an international agreement or modifies any such agreement already in existence, suitable information thereof should be transmitted promptly to the Navy Department and also to the highest nearby official in the service of the Department of State, and copies of the documents in question should be furnished as soon as practicable to the Navy Department and to such State Department official.
It is the view of the Navy Department that it is entirely desirable to arrange in advance a specific plan under which the forces concerned at Shanghai may cooperate for defensive action against a common danger, and that the present defense scheme, or some similar arrangement, should be continued in effect as a basis for joint action of the military forces in case in a future emergency the responsible United States authorities decide to take part in such action. It is, however, to be borne in mind that emergency situations which may arise in the future may be materially different from the situation which this scheme is intended to meet, and we must so far as possible avoid the danger of being again placed in the position of apparent participation [Page 238] in a situation such as that which developed last February. For these reasons the Department considers it essential for the United States to preserve its freedom of action for the future, and the fact that we do not consider ourselves committed in advance to joint action should, in fairness to the other parties concerned, be made clear to them before any new emergency develops.
It is therefore the desire of the Department that the Commander of the Fourth Regiment of Marines be instructed to confer with the Consul General at Shanghai and, unless the conclusion should be reached that such action is not advisable at this time, make clear to the Municipal Council and to the membership of the Defense Committee, with respect to any commitment of the United States to cooperative action in any future situation, (1) that the “International Defense Scheme” is to be regarded as only tentative; (2) that our adherence to this scheme is not to be considered as a commitment on the part of the United States under which we are obligated to participate; and (3) that in any future situation the decision as to whether or not we will take part in joint action will be made at the time and on the basis of the situation as it may then exist.
The Department of State is addressing to the American Minister at Shanghai a message expressing views similar to the foregoing, and is instructing him to communicate them further to the Consul General at Shanghai.
The Navy Department desires to be informed of the action taken.
- Copy of telegram transmitted to the Department as enclosure to letter dated September 10, 1932, from the Navy Department.↩