793.94/3662: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

41. Consulate’s No. 40, January 27, 11 a.m. In connection with the general discussions there are strong private expressions on the part of leading delegates which may be summarized to the following effect:

The seriousness of prompt action and the perhaps greater seriousness of its implications cannot be too greatly emphasized.
Regret is expressed at the circumstance that cooperation between the United States and the League respecting an objective approach to the situation in Manchuria had been circumscribed by perhaps unavoidable considerations regarding the more general relationship between America and the League which has permitted in a manner Japan’s playing off the League against the United States and vice versa.
They express the hope that at this juncture some means may be found to bring about the greater advantage to be derived from common action on essential points between the United States and the League.
