893.01 Manchuria/41: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

341. 1. Following from American Consul General at Harbin:

“March 15, noon.

  • Paragraph No. 1. Local Commissioner of Foreign Affairs has informed me in writing he had received a telegram from the office of Foreign Affairs at Kirin stating that the latter had been instructed by the Changkuan to notify the consuls at Harbin that the executive had been formally inaugurated on March 9th and that all documents should be dated the first year of Ta Tung.
  • Paragraph No. 2. I do not intend to acknowledge the receipt of this note unless I am instructed to the contrary by the Legation.”

2. Following from American Consul General at Mukden:

“March 15, 7 p.m. This Consulate General has received a despatch elated March 15 from the local provincial government in the following effect: I have the honor to inform you that telegram has been received March 9th from the State Affairs Yuan stating that the chief executive of Manchoukuo formally assumed the duties of his office on March 9th.”

3. Legation has instructed Harbin and Mukden to refrain from acknowledging receipt of communications received regarding inauguration of chief executive.

For the Minister: