893.01 Manchuria/40: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 15—2:20 a.m.]
337. Legation’s March 1, 5 p.m., last sentence.
Chinese press of March 12th contains the text of a declaration issued by the Chairman of the National Government and the Director of the Executive Yuan in regard to the Northeastern “puppet” government. Declaration charges that the Japanese troops unlawfully invaded the Northeast, coerced the Chinese people, utilized a small number of rebels to effect unlawful organizations and that they have actually ordered the deposed Emperor of the Ching Dynasty to assume false duties and form a puppet government. Declaration closes as follows:
“Accordingly, during the unlawful seizure and occupation of the Three Eastern Provinces by Japanese, all political organizations of these regions are from beginning to end considered as rebellious organizations by the Chinese Government and are at the same time regarded as transformed into subsidiary organizations of the Japanese Government. China is absolutely unable to recognize any of their unlawful activities, and the Japanese Government should assume the entire responsibility therefor.”