793.94/4541: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 3—9:28 a.m.]
95. Consulate’s 92, February 29, 7 p.m.
Secretary General has circulated: (1) reply dated March 1st to the “proposal” adopted in the Council meeting of February 29th addressed by Sato to the President of the Council; (2) a communication dated March 2nd addressed by Boncour to Sato in response to the foregoing. The texts of these communications follow:
1. “I have the honor to inform you that the Japanese Government willingly accepts the plan which Your Excellency submitted to me yesterday at the Council meeting.”
2. “I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 1st by which you inform me that the Japanese Government willingly accepts the plan which I submitted to the Council on February 29th.
I have taken immediate steps to bring Your Excellency’s letter to the knowledge of my colleagues on the Council.
While I am extremely happy to note the acceptance by the Japanese Government of the plan, I venture to point out that the proposals set out therein are ‘subject to the making of local arrangements for a cessation of hostilities’, and that the Council expressed the hope that such a cessation would be brought about very speedily. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the execution of the plan is dependent on the final cessation of all fighting, and I should, therefore, be glad to learn whether Your Excellency is in a position to give me any assurances or information on this point, which not only I, but my colleagues, consider to be of primary importance.”