793.94/4446: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

279. Following from American Consul General, Harbin:

“February 26, 5 p.m., number 22.

More troops belonging to Murai Brigade arrived at Harbin yesterday and today.
Request of Japanese Military Mission that Chinese Eastern Railway trains be used to transport Japanese troops over the eastern line of railway where there are 225 Japanese and 20,000 Koreans was refused on the 23rd by Soviet. Vice president had informed them that no reply from Moscow was expected as this was a question which must be decided by Moscow and Tokyo.
Japanese consular and military authorities state that petitions have been received from Japanese and Koreans in the vicinity of the east line asking that Japanese troops be despatched to protect them. However, Russian railway officials state that conditions are quiet along the line.
The Japanese military have assured the Soviet Consul General that their troops would be despatched solely to protect the lives and property of Japanese and would not be stationed near the frontier. This contemplated enlargement of sphere of activity of Japanese forces appears to be a repetition of the old story.”

For the Minister: