793.94/4429: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

From Captain Mayer for the War Department:

12. Japanese 11th Division will probably debark today, point of debarkation undetermined. With the arrival of reenforcements Japanese right wing will be strengthened and extended and Woosung Chinese garrison undoubtedly isolated. Chinese have withstood most intense air and some artillery bombardment at Kiangwan and northwest throughout yesterday. At February 26, 10 a.m., Chinese still in Kiangwan and February 25, 6 p.m., Japanese casualties for day 130. Chinese dogged resistance in the face of powerful air attacks most astounding.

Matsuoka told Von Wiegand today that Japanese will not push beyond 20-kilometer zone. General Wetzel in Shanghai said all German advisers had been given leave by Chinese Government during hostilities. That defense arrangement is result of 4 years’ German [Page 448] instruction in post-war tactics for use against an enemy greatly superior in mechanical auxiliaries.
