793.94/4088: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
79. At the request of Yen the Council resumed debate in public session following private meeting this afternoon.
[Here follows report of discussion. For minutes of the meeting, see League of Nations, Official Journal, March 1932, pages 353–360.]
7. The President in a statement which was apparently intended to appease the Japanese and to demonstrate the impartiality of the Council then expressed the opinion that a study of the statement of the Japanese delegate and the first report from the Shanghai Committee [Page 267] shows that the “situation is very much more complex and difficult than those who make up public opinion perhaps realize”. The advantage of League procedure, slow as it might appear, lies in its impartiality. However, if the Council’s action is to be usefully pursued, it is essential that violence should cease. He urged upon the Japanese representative the necessity of setting up the proposed neutral zone to be occupied by neutral forces at Shanghai as rapidly as possible in order to ensure the cessation of hostilities and that restoration of good order which is in the interests of the Japanese as well as other countries concerned at Shanghai. He agreed with Yen that the establishment of a neutral zone would not be a final settlement but recalling the proverb that each day’s task must be sufficient for itself he adjourned the meeting.
- Telegram in two sections.↩