793.94/4029: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Forbes) to the Secretary of State

49. Referring to your telegram No. 44, February 6, 5 p.m., our staff have conferred with officers with whom they have contacts in various Japanese offices. Neither I nor any of them have said anything that could be construed as expressing our personal assent or the assent of our Government to the course pursued by the Japanese in relation to Shanghai, and have consistently urged the cessation of hostilities and acceptance of the points enumerated in your telegram No. 34, February 1, 3 p.m.79

I believe all officers of the Army, Navy, or civil departments in the Japanese Government know that we look with the gravest concern upon their action in sending troops to Shanghai. My staff and I have done our best to convince them of this.

I am informed that instructions have been sent to the Japanese commanding officer in Shanghai to place his force under the strictest discipline to avoid unpleasantness with other troops and civilians in the Settlement, clashes with Chinese troops if it can be avoided.
