793.94/3895: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

Your 12, February 1, 3 p.m. to Peck. British Counselor of Legation in Nanking had not received instructions relative to the proposal for cessation of hostilities but Peck delivered the note in the manner directed. The Minister of Foreign Affairs read the note with evident gratification and asked Peck to say that he appreciates the friendly spirit in which the proposals for the cessation of hostilities are made by the American Government and that the Chinese Government will give the proposals immediate favorable consideration. He said that of course a written reply would be sent at the earliest possible moment but it will be necessary to refer the matter by telegraph to members of the Government who are in Loyang. Neither the French nor German Legation representatives here have received any instructions regarding the proposals. Peck has subsequently been informed over the telephone by Vice Minister Quo Tai-chi that a reply is even now in preparation accepting the proposals without reservations.
