
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Nanking to the Chinese Legation31

Information has been received that the foreign press has been circulating freely that the Chinese National Government is preparing to declare war upon Japan. Such reports are entirely groundless. China has not declared war upon Japan, but is only exercising her right for self-preservation and of her sovereignty. While Japan has been relentlessly pursuing her policy of violence and aggression, China faithfully adheres to her obligation she has assumed under Covenant, Paris Pact and Nine Power Treaty. In face of persistent and merciless attack from the Japanese, the Chinese Government has been compelled to adopt necessary measures for self-defense. So long as the Japanese forces refrain from violent and aggressive acts against China, the Chinese Government will not take any action hostile to them.

  1. Copy of telegram transmitted to the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs by the Chinese Chargé under covering letter dated February 2.